• Board-Certified Pediatric Dentist in Flemington & Hillsborough Township, NJ!

Laughing Gas

Pediatric Dentist in Flemington, NJ

Laughing Gas

Nitrous oxide sedation (‘laughing gas’)

Nitrous oxide sedation or commonly known as ‘laughing gas’ is a mild and safe procedure that is commonly in pediatric dentistry. It effectively manages mild to moderate anxiety, helps reduce any untoward movement, and has slight numbing properties that help children to feel at ease during the dental procedure.

Benefits of using nitrous oxide.

There are several benefits of using nitrous oxide in dentistry, like:

  • Relief from anxiety during the procedure.
  • Sight pain control for small procedures.
  • The patient will stay calm and relaxed.
  • It is mild, safe for kids, and can be administered very easily.
  • There are minimal side effects of using mild nitrous oxide.
  • The effects of the gas wear off immediately once it is removed.

Floss Boss Pediatric Dentistry in Flemington and Hillsborough Township, NJ

Schedule on appointment for your child today!


Tips for your child’s appointment.

We recommend to have a light meal 2-3 hour prior to your dental appointment. However, we highly encourage to avoid feeding your child 2 hours prior to the appointment as it may cause nausea and vomiting during the procedure. In addition, we use various techniques to help each of our patients feel special and return back for their next appointment. We will walk you and your child through the whole procedure! Dr. Sanghavi, has done over 1000 cases of nitrous oxide sedation and can answer any questions you may have about its risks, benefits and alternatives. To learn more about this or if you have any questions about your upcoming appointment, kindly call us at (908) 751-0770.